
Saturday, May 14

Deep Thoughts & The Sparrow Fund

Are you still as amazed with the internet as I am?
with email? with blogging?
with the friends and relationships you've made
with people you've never met in real life?
That I can do a google search on anything in the entire universe
and get the information
for free?

That I can paint pictures in my bedroom upstairs (my dream come true)
and send them all over the country, all over the world,
and that that's how I'm able to stay home with my babies (my other dream come true)?

It amazes me.
I think it always will.


You know how you meet someone & connect right away?
That's how it was with my new friend Kelly.
She is a rock star for orphans.  

She contacted me about donating 10% of all May sales to
The Sparrow Fund, to help families bring orphans home.
I am so happy to be a part of all that God is doing here.
Kelly found 30 businesses to donate,
one for each day in May!

Ashley is another sweet soul getting the word out.
I am their featured business today.
Stop by & have a look!

1 comment:

  1. I'm as amazed as you delights me to my toes!!!
    I love your hearts for orphans
    and home
    and the big beautiful LOVE
    that hovers over and covers
    us all:):):)
    Keep us posted
    as your pregnancy nears
    the finish line!
    In my prayers you are:)
    Love and grace,
